Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Okay, our time in Mexico is pretty much over bar some ruins in the rainforest and a river border crossing, sooooooo I thought it was time we did a little quiz to see how much you've been paying attention. We'll be checking your comments for the answers, no peeking at other people's answers before you submit your own. Answers will be posted in about a week, or when we feel like it, or when we feel there's a critical mass of answers from you, our public.

Nice and easy to start with a couple of geography questions...

1. The world's longest peninsula can be found in Mexico, what is it called and which two Mexican States are found on it?

2. Four seas, oceans and gulfs surround Mexico, what are they?

Now for some history...

3. The Mexican flag is a tricolor of green, white and red. What image is in the middle of the flag?

4. True or false? The conquistador, Cortes, managed to prevent attacks by the Aztecs and ultimately defeat them by pretending to be an avenging god king?

5. Four of the following were unknown to the Americas before they were brought over by the Spanish during the conquest of 1521. Which four?
Beards, glass, dogs, horses, small pox, marble, pigs.

6. The Maya, Mexica (Aztecs), Toltecs, Tlaxcalans and many others had erected huge pyramidical temples, and immense city states of stone without the use of which key invention?

7. If, during a war against the Aztecs you were captured, what would be your likely fate?

And now for some present day nonsense...

8. In Mexico, rolling tobacco is
a) Sold by every man, woman and child b) Made from coconut hair c) rare as hens' teeth

9. How do you say 'very naughty' in Spanish?

Happy quizzing!


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